The Southern California Horse Show Association (SCHSA) membership year begins 1 December. All memberships, except for Life Memberships, expire on 30 November. The effective date of the membership is the date on which the completed application with applicable dues are submitted online, are post marked, are provided to the show manager at a SCHSA sanctioned Horse Show, or are provided to the SCHSA secretary at a SCHSA sanctioned event (i.e., Banquet, membership luncheon, education clinics). No other method is acceptable.

By submitting this application, you agree that the information provided is accurate, that any photographs taken of you (or your children) at any SCHSA sanctioned event or SCHSA sanctioned Horse Show may be used by SCHSA in any SCHSA publication, website or for SCHSA marketing purposes. You agree to abide by the Constitution, By-laws and Rules of SCHSA. You recognize that SCHSA is an equine activity sponsor and is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities that are obvious and necessary.

Total: $0